Mamma Lucia's in Wexford

Yesterday I took both dogs for some training at the Village of Pine, one of the local shopping plazas. I took out each dog one at a time for some heeling sessions and obedience work. To be honest, I haven't been working them every day as I should. I decided to take Jaf out onto the overlook behind Mamma Lucia's Pizzeria e Trattoria. We had to walk by the plate glass windows where the pizza chefs were throwing pizzas. When we got to the overlook high over Perry Highway, the pizza guys stopped throwing pizzas to come out and take a closer look at Jaf. I think we made their day a little more fun! Jaf seemed to enjoy watching the cars zooming along below him from atop the overlook.

Clash of the Titans

Sometimes it amazes me how hard these two play. I get worried at times that they are going to end up with broken bones, but somehow after these hard play sessions they just get up and trot off sound. I am keeping my fingers crossed it stays this way!

The photo below shows Jaf as he cuts across the lawn with a quick change of direction. His nimbleness and flexibility are remarkable considering his size. I think he likes to show his breeder Mom, Jenny of Quo Vadis Boerboels, how strong his bones and ligaments are!

Jaf thinks he is cool as he propels himself onto Azaan's back. Ouch!


Jaf is still 11 months old in these photos, but soon he will be celebrating his first birthday! I must admit it has been a whirlwind over the past 9 months since I got him. You may recall from an earlier post that I picked him up at Dulles Airport in September 2009 when he was 9 weeks old. I couldn't be more pleased with my boy.

As you can see, Jaf loves to sprint around the pasture with his BFF, Azaan.

Boerboels Play Rough

If you are looking for a quiet, couch potato dog, don't get a Boerboel! These guys play rough, they have endless energy, and they need a constructive outlet for that energy. Both dogs are in training, and this helps to keep them mentally and physically fit. Even with the training, they require a lot of mental stimulation and physical exercise. My dogs romp and play in one of the horse pastures on a daily basis, and we also hike in the woods to let out steam. Be realistic about the amount of time you have to spend with a dog before you buy a Boerboel.

I call this photo "Sliding Stop". Jaf is 11 months old, and a big dude. He can turn and stop on a dime, especially considering his size.
Jaf likes to run and zoom around, and then Azaan tries to tackle him. He loves it! It's a good thing, because she can get rough. Not too many dogs enjoy playing with her. I can't imagine why! Here she gives Jaf a nip on the shoulder as he zooms by.

I'm not sure who is getting the best of who in this photo. Jaf can tackle like an NFL linebacker. It is amazing he hasn't hurt his shoulder when he does this. Ouch!

The Red Dog and the Brindle

These dogs grow up fast. It seems like yesterday that I was picking Jaf up from Dulles International Airport. He is now 11 months old, and soon he will celebrate his 1 year birthday.

Azaan and Jaf enjoy each other's company. Azaan, the brindle, is the older "sister", and she tries to give Jaf some guidance. She has been a good mentor. Jaf is completely trustworthy around the house. I can leave both dogs home alone without any problems. They have a dog door to a fenced-in backyard if they have to go out. I work at home, so I do not leave them home alone very often. But it is nice not to have to worry about them when I do leave the house. Most importantly, when I come home it is nice to know that they are the only things in there! Intruders don't want to mess with these two!

Jaf's Rabbit Catching Style

Jaf caught his first rabbit a few days ago. He also caught a mole, but he didn't seem to know what to do with the mole once he had it. As soon as he caught the rabbit, he flaunted it in front of Azaan (silly boy). She quickly stole it from him and ran off! I am not sure what they did with it. It was still alive when she took off with it.

Wow, can this boy stretch out at the run! If he got any lower to the ground he would get brush burns on his belly. Jaf has some amazing short bursts of speed, especially considering his size.

I am in the process of having the fields cut, so the critters have been hiding in the higher grass. Jaf spots something, probably a mole, and jumps in for the attack.

Jaf, Growing Up!

Jaf (Quo Vadis Barracuda) turned 11 months old. He will be 1 year old at the end of June. He is a big boy for his age, and he has an attitude that doesn't quit. I have not had his health tests done yet, but that will be next on the agenda this Summer. My beautiful boy isn't showing any signs of health issues, as he likes to jump, cut and run through the woods with his best friend, Azaan.

Azaan and Jaf - Having Fun!

Jaf is 10 months old in these photos taken at the beginning of May 2010. It is amazing how quickly these dogs grow. My little puppy has been replaced by a big brute of a dog. He still has lots of growing to do, so I'm not sure what to expect over the next 6 - 12 months! Azaan, the Irish-marked brindle female, is 2-1/2 years old. She is about 27 inches tall and weighs about 132 pounds (60 kg). Jaf is just a bit bigger than Azaan at 10 months old. I am trying to keep him as lean as possible, since many ortho problems in pups are caused by over-feeding and excessive weight gain.

Azaan likes Jaf a lot, and puts up with a lot of abuse from him. Luckily, Azaan is a very playful dog, so she really enjoys playing with him. They are best friends, and can eat out of the same bowl. I don't feed them together, but if I'm not looking Jaf will sometimes slip out of his room when eating and join Azaan as she is eating out of her bowl. She lets him! But she draws the line at some other "tricks" he tries.

Azaan Earned her AKC Rally Advanced Title on May 5 2010

Azaan earned her AKC Rally Advanced title on May 5, 2010. In her first two legs, she finished in 2nd place, and in her 3rd and last leg she finished in 4th place. She wasn't showing her best performance during her last competition, but she did well enough to earn 4th place. Boerboels can be independent and stubborn, so make sure that if you decide to train and compete one that you have a sense of humor! On Azaan's last leg, I think she decided she would try to search out stuffed animals in the ring. Needless to say, for about 30 seconds she wasn't paying attention to her handler! The judge really liked her as she was also a rare breeds judge, so we got lucky!

This photo shows Azaan with her 4th place ribbon from her 3rd and final leg, and her Title ribbon. If you look closely at the expression on her face, she is obliging me while I take this picture. She wants to get out and play with the stuffed animal. When she is happy, she will prick her ears forward.